The Frankford Northeast Philadelphia Rotary Club

Author: andrewalston

At present, aside from his professional obligations, Andrew Alston fills his time with a number of recreational, intellectual, and philanthropic pursuits. Outdoors, Mr. Alston's more active endeavors include cycling; he also enjoys the rewarding work inherent in taking care of his yard, which involves raking, mowing the lawn, and weeding. Currently trying to shed a few pounds, Andrew Alston additionally finds pleasure in taking long walks. In more relaxing activities, Andrew Alston likes to sit down with a good magazine or book, and his favorite genres include mysteries and romance novels. He has not purchased an e-reader yet; instead, he prefers visiting thrift stores in his hometown or discovering cheap buys at garage sales. To stay abreast of world developments and keep his mind sharp, he also studies world affairs and the sciences. Andrew Alston's other hobbies include playing checkers and chess, practicing the flute and cello, and singing. Though he understands he will never perform on stage, he appreciates the uniqueness of the voice as an instrument. He additionally enjoys going to planetariums or attending other events that allow him to gaze at the stars, and he also holds an interest in classic automobiles, particularly 1960s- and 1970s-era sports cars. In charitable pursuits, Andrew Alston volunteers his energy for a group committed to improving the situations of underserved individuals. He and the other volunteers endeavor to develop relationships with those without homes and provide them with resources to help them get the help they need to overcome substance abuse, mental-health problems, or other challenges. In other volunteer capacities, he helps out a local recycling center and participates in cleanup initiatives in his neighborhood. He finds satisfaction in the camaraderie and teamwork that result from such efforts.

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